Welcome to our first EPC Book Discussion! We will be experiencing “Here and Now: Living in the Spirit” by Henri Nouwen, moderated by Roger Snyder.

I trust that these connections will make you aware that we are traveling together toward the Light, always encouraging each other to keep our eyes fixed on the One who is calling us home.

Nouwen, Henri J. M.. Here and Now: Living in the Spirit (p. 14). The Crossroad Publishing Company. Kindle Edition.


Does it ever feel like this world spins faster everyday? Advertisers throw ads at us like like snowflakes in a blizzard! They try to wiggle in our minds and pick our wallets. Sadly, we’re often told that “we are not enough”. While our standard of living is basically higher than any generation in history, personal financial stress may feel overwhelming. Health concerns, chronic pain, loved ones struggle in life… what a whirlwind!!!


This book is a calm in chaos. Henri Nouwen reaches through his own pain and life experiences to clarify and enrich our relationship with God. Sunday morning worship often feels (and is) a relief from all of the calamity. History has shown that humankind often gets tangled in our problems. This often results turning to God for relief. Of course, if we “turn to” this implies that we have “turned from”. The beauty of this experience is how to incorporate God into our “Here and Now”!

But before we get started, let’s briefly describe how the discussion works.

Each Sunday you will discover a new “post,” indicated by the bold title, on the blog’s Home page.  Click on the title to enter the post.  There you will find the week’s readings and some questions for discussion.  To leave a comment, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will find the “leave a reply” box. After you submit a comment, Roger, moderator for EPC, will need to “approve” it, so it may take a few hours before it actually appears on the blog page.  The instructions on how to submit and reply to comments are also included at the “Discussions… how to!” link on the Home Page header.

If you wish to have an email reminder when the new weekly post begins, simply enter your email address in the “Follow” widget on the right hand side of the screen. You will notice when you comment, your email is requested to validate your post. No one will ever see this information, not even the host. It’s merely a precaution that WordPress uses to filter Spam. Without this precaution, hundreds of advertisements would flood our discussions becoming a major distraction!

If you have any questions about the blog, please feel free to ask.  To ask a question, you may submit a comment or send Roger an email at the address in his bio below.

Before a jeweler makes a cut on an expensive, rare and appreciated stone, they look at the stone from every aspect possible. It’s my prayer that through sharing your insights, life experiences and revelations, we may all have a deeper understanding of different aspects affecting our relationships with God and each other.

In the “comments” below, please feel free to introduce yourself to the rest of the group. You might also prefer to remain anonymous and simply read along with us.

Feel free, but not required, to share something about yourself, or why this study is appealing to you and/or previous experiences from this author Henri Nouwen.

I am Roger Snyder, one of two lay pastors at Endeavor Presbyterian Church. In some respects, I feel like my life resembles the parable of the Prodigal Son. In gratitude to God’s mercy, I earnestly try, to extend God’s love. Henri Nouwen’s insights have been an intimate and important inspiration leading me home.

Contact: rogerzsnyder@gmail.com

5 thoughts on “Introduction…

  1. Made it through the 1st chapter & I feel Curt and I can start putting our lives in the “Here and Now”. My favorite part is part 3: Birthday….Pastor Roger you know why…I feel you can never be baptized enough!!! Thanks be to God!!!


    1. So happy for you guys . That is the hardest for me my mind goes back to the past and worries for the future reading this made me aware,that I need to pray for help with this


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